Skype-based 1-1 Online Tutoring
We specialize in private in-home tutoring from local tutors, but we save our VERY BEST tutors in the country for each subject/test and have them tutor online full-time for us. We provide these professional tutors with all the technology, memberships and tools they need such as a white board, to make the tutoring session in many ways better than in person. Our online tutors really are the most elite in the country, as they must have exceptional tutoring experience prior to working with Elite, along with consistent immaculate reviews with us for over 3 years.
Is online tutoring the best option for all learners?
As we specialize in-home tutoring we believe in-home tutoring is optimal for some subjects and learners such as: elementary students, middle school students or more hands on learners. However, online tutoring works extremely well for those who have limited time and prefer the ease of turning on their SKYPE account. In addition, the rate for these tutors is the same as our in-home tutoring and you may rest assured you have one the best professional tutors in the country at a very competitive rate.
Schedule a free trial with one of our pro tutors and see if online tutoring is the right fit for you. If online does not fit your learning style, we will provide you with another trial with one of our local tutors.